Course Overview

How to Speak and Sound Smart Using Business Intonation

Learn the number one most important business communication skill for sounding smart, confident and more professional. Speak with articulation that sounds sharp and clear while speaking at a rate that is more controlled, interesting and is peasant for listeners. It’s called intonation and it is the most important business communication skill for sounding credible, effective and polished in every setting. Providing directions and recommendations, leading meetings and delivering presentations will become more actionable, based on how intonation is applied.

Course Curriculum

    1. Intro to How to Get a Seat at the Table in the World of Business

    2. Course Overview

    1. Using Rhythm and Melody

    2. Introduction to the Course (Video)

    3. Introduction to Intonation (Video)

    4. Getting Started with Intonation

    1. Moving from Old Communication Behaviors to More Dynamic Ones

    2. Applying Intonation and Short Sentences (Video)

    3. Increase Your Awareness by Identifying Speech Patterns of Other People

    4. Intonation Review

    5. Assignment: Personal Goal Tracking

    1. Using Your New Skills Out in The Real-World

    2. The Speech Notebook (Video)

    3. Speech Triggers (Video)

    4. Red Light Drills (Video)

    5. Assignment: Speech Triggers List

    1. Applying Professional Intonation with Full Sentences

    2. Guidelines and Review (Auditory)

    3. Intonation with Full Sentences (Video)

    4. Turning Your Skills into Habit (Video)

    5. Assignment: Monitoring Your Speech Melody

    1. Common Errors When Learning Intonation

    2. Common Errors with Intonation (Video)

    3. Common Errors Due to Speaking English with a Foreign Accent (Video)

About this course

  • 60 Minutes of Video Lessons
  • 24 Lessons/ Pages of Content
  • 13 Downloadable Audio Files